And that is precisely why one interpretation of aiding and abetting the
genocides by action/inaction with full knowledge of the consequences, is
considered Criminally Responsible.
Vetoing bills that would have increased the number and authority of UN
forces in Rwanda makes one criminally responsible when that action leads
to the death of 800,000 people. And when it was known that the veto
would lead to the death of several thousand people.

Criminal Responsibility.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lyons, Larry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

A guy I know back in Canada was with the peacekeeping forces in Rwanda
the time. He thought that the genocide could have been prevented if the
forces that were already there and charged with keeping the peace had
given the authority to do so. But because of the UN hindrance, this
country's indifference and France's collusion, 800,000 people died.


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