At 01:49 PM 4/29/2005, you wrote:

>Rob - I did say "more so".  Believe me, I've seen a lot of bad Java Code
>and I've seen a lot of bad CF code.  However, if you chose 500 CF
>Developers at random and asked them to build a simple site and you
>picked 500 Java developers at random and asked them to do the same, I'd
>bet everything I've got that a larger percentage of the CF applications
>would be designed and developed less than perfectly.

I also think part of this is that there isn't enough supervision in places 
that use CF so that bad habits predominate.

For instance, rarely have I ever interviewed someone who didn't write code 
like this:

<CFSET a = "#b#">


<CFSET a = #b#>

Obviously, CF is part of the problem for being so forgiving, but there is a 
lack of a serious engineering mindset in the CF world.  The people who are 
employing coders who write the above don't care because the applications 
still work.  They don't care how elegant the codebase is or whether it's a 
Rube Golberg device as long as it works.  So nobody forces them to 
change.  They spin their wheels for a couple years until they get layed off 
or something and they walk into a job interview with 2-3 years of CF listed 
on their resume and they are still chock full of bad coding habits!!

The CF culture brings in people from non-engineering backgrounds, ex Flash 
animators, designers who are doing double-duty.  People who cracked open 
the Forta book and learned enough to get by on the job and don't 
necessarily have the drive to improve their code because their passions 
really lie elsewhere.  And that's how this culture evolved.  That's why CF 
coders are treated like 2nd class citizens.

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