While I would agree about the communication barrier -

Just wanted to point out FYI - India is not in the middle east...

On 3/31/06, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Despite various websites' preference settings (Career
> > Builder and DICE
> > come to mind), I STILL get emails from recruiters, usually
> > with
> > middle-eastern names, shopping for candidates for jobs I'm
> > simply not
> > qualified for.  I hate that.
> I used to get that pretty frequently with recruiters seeing that my
> resume had some minimal ASP experience on it (a year of ASP 2.0 that I
> never liked and haven't touched more than twice in the last 6 years)
> and would call me up saying they're looking for an "experienced ASP
> _expert_". That was from predominantly American recruiters
> surprisingly enough. Over time "java expert" gradually crept in as
> well, and now I'm getting frequent contacts for "C++ expert"... I
> spent 3 days fixing a C++ COM object for scanning images from the web
> directly to a server about a year ago or so, and that's the sum total
> of official C++ experience I have (I taught myself from books about 9
> yrs ago just before I started working with CF and hadn't been asked to
> work with C++ in all that time). If it gets much worse I'll have to
> stop posting my resume on the job sites and just rely on searching and
> submitting it myself. Although mercifully I shouldn't have to deal
> with this for much longer and then will get a nice long several year
> break from it. Maybe in 2010 or so when I'm ready for another change
> people will have figured out how wasteful and unproductive the current
> recruiting trends are.
> s. isaac dealey     434.293.6201
> new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
> add features without fixtures with
> the onTap open source framework
> http://www.fusiontap.com
> http://coldfusion.sys-con.com/author/4806Dealey.htm

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