I must say - this is the single most insightful thing I have EVER seen on


-----Original Message-----
From: Saman W Jayasekara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 5:08 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: RE: recruiters with English as a second language

Hi Guys,

English is not my mother tongue. But I can't stop my self putting my two
cents in to this since languages are one of my favorite subjects. 

If you guys (Native English speakers) thinks that is a problem you guys
facing - that is wrong. This is an advantage for you. 

I'm not been a native English speaker but traveling all over the world bring
me two types of problems when it come to English. 
1. Some do not speak English at all - that is pure communication barrier.
Hate that.
2. Some Native English speakers do not be comfortable enough with me even I
imitate everything else belong to that tribe (dress code, dining habits,
etc..) - That is pure cultural barrier. I experience this more with
Americans - and less with Black Americans and middle class British. But I
understand that and have no complains.

Where I come from, people call English as 'the Sward'. Because the primary
purpose of the sward is to eliminate others who do not have a shaper one.
May be that is why some people choose not to involved in this sward fighting
at all. (Koreans, Japanese, Russians, French, etc.) 

Anyway when you study about humans and languages you may notice primary
purpose of language is not communication - but separate your tribe from
others. We are trying to use one language as the global language first time
in the human history. It is not a happy story how English become the global
language. But having a global language is a wonderful thing. 

But still when ever we feel Apu is not belong to our tribe, our body feel
uncomfortable unintentionally and make us hang up the phone faster. That is
our primitive human instinct of keep away from other tribes. That is not
wrong. I truly hope one day English will use just for communication purposes

Even that bad English will exist giving native speakers clear advantage. Apu
may never understand why we drive in the parkway and park in the driveway.
That means More Business for You in the global economy - and less business
for Apu. Cheer Up! (But keep the borders secure).

Since Apu have 8 kids who most probably will be native speakers (because
they have to survive in the school with Nelson) what native English you
would like them to speak? Snoop Dog's Native English or Jeff Foxworthy's
Native English?

Take care Guy,

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Fairley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 9:44 PM
To: CF-Jobs-Talk
Subject: Re: recruiters with english as a second language

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Not trying to be mean or anything but when he
sounds like Apu from the Simpsons I really don't listen to what they are

>I hope I'm not offending anyone, but at what point do you simply not
>respond to a recruiter if there's an obvious language barrier? I'm
>just curious if anyone else has a "rule of thumb" they use, because I
>just got an email from a recruiter asking me to "revert back
>positively ... with the resume and the rate", indicating that he's
>confused the definition of "reply" or possibly "respond" and "revert".
>It seems like now more than any other time that I've looked for a job,
>the majority of the recruiters I talk to are some variety of
>(middle)eastern (I'm guessing mostly Indian, although of course I
>don't ask) with varying degrees of either accent or language barrier.
>I really don't want to come across as being insensitive, but some of
>these people (a good number of them actually) speak english over the
>phone so poorly that it takes several iterations of a word or phrase
>before I understand what they're trying to say, and it really makes me
>wonder how they've even been hired in a recruiting capacity by
>companies seeking english-speaking workers.
>My current job search seems to be nearing its end, so I'm not liable
>to need to worry about it for hopefully several years now, I'm just
>curious what other people's thoughts are on the subject.
>s. isaac dealey     434.293.6201
>new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
>add features without fixtures with
>the onTap open source framework

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