Just my $0.02 cents...I think that recruiters do help one get a job. 
Yes, most recruiters are all about business but who is not? They try to 
get you in and if they can not then they go on to the next one. This is 
just the nature of their business. They gotta make it work and in order 
to make it work they have to move fast and find the right candidate for 
the right position.

That's fine. However, what I do not agree with is the fact that most of 
these recruiters are extremely friendly at first and then it all changes 
afterwards. I have heard this from most programmers. This is not just 
coming from me. Also, if they can not get you the job that they have 
been trying to then they also vanish without a trace (this does not 
apply to all recruiters). They don't even send you an e-mail to say 
....go look for a new opportunity. I mean, it only takes 5 seconds 
right? I took 1 week of my time to talk to you and you do not have 5 
seconds to say..."Hey, it did not work but maybe next time?"

Also....I had one recruiter call me every 2 weeks to have me rely 
information about the company hiring procedures. He wanted to know if 
anyone was being hired directly by the company instead of his recruiting 
company. So....I try not to be on either side..I am neutral. But 
man...you come to me to ask me questions but when I go to you to ask you 
questions you just ignore me? What kind of recruiter-to-programmer 
relationship is that?

This is not an attack on recruiters. My experience with recruiting 
companies is OK. Will I work with recruiters in the future. YES. 
Everybody is entitled to making mistakes right? I am sure they also have 
a lot to tell about programmers too.

This is just my $0.02 cents,

Jerry Johnson wrote:
> I was (mostly) kidding.
> But many programmers and tech types do not realize how _hard_ placement folk
> work to get someone into a job.
> It seems like free money when you see how much they added to your
> contracting rate, or how much you hear they get paid per permanent
> placement, but believe it or not it is a difficult job.
> You _need_ to divorce personal feelings for each client from the equation.
> It is easy to get paralyzed with "I _need_ a job this week, or I lose my
> house (my children are sick, my mother-in-law lives with us, etc)", but you
> cannot let it get to you. You need to be able to take 30 rejections in
> stride, and swing just as hard, with as much patience and professionalism as
> you did on the first. And you need to be able to
> In the glory days of the dot com era it was an easy job. (pick one resume at
> random from column a, match with one job opening from column b, profit!)
> But companies (for the most part) are much smarter in their hiring. and tech
> staff are much more skittish after bad experiences. So matchmaking is
> important if you want any follow on placements.
> The skillset that makes a good recruiter, in my opinion, are very specific.
> As Rob mentions below, they need to leave the tech staff feeling decent
> (even if turned down), need to leave the company feeling good (whether you
> place a person or not, you still want them to keep your card for next time.
> Because there will be a next time). You need for your recruiting company to
> feel you are contributing. And you need to feel pretty good about what you
> are doing (and how you are doing it) or the smudges on your soul get
> overwhelming and over time very obvious to others.
> I don't have the right skills, but I respect the skills in others and can
> recognize people that do have it all when I meet them.
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Rich Baker <ri...@teaminfo.com> wrote:
>> Wow... Probably should have exercised better judgment than in sending
>> that email to the whole group... - To each his own
>> Richard E. Baker | TEAM Information Services

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