I’m a big gitHub fan. But:

>> * We won't have to maintain a CF email list,

This list is also used to ask questions about how to best use the CF
conventions, not just changes to CF.

And a list IS a good way to facilitate those conversations.

I also think it might bd good to have a list that recurved
notifications of new discussion — though not every post!

Still a listserve fan,


>> which is an administrative
>> complexity, especially as we currently have two different lists (for trac and
>> email), which have to be kept consistent manually. Anyone can join GitHub
>> for themselves and watch the CF repositories.
>> Best wishes and thanks for your interest in CF
>> Jonathan
>> To get a username on GitHub, go to https://github.com/ and sign up. This is
>> free! Once you have a username, you can sign in.
>> The issues on the CF conventions repository are at
>>  https://github.com/cf-convention/cf-conventions/issues
>> This shows the list of changes to 1.7 which are being discussed. (NB the name
>> of this repository will probably change, to improve consistency, and this is 
>> not
>> the repository for the standard name discussions, which we have not yet
>> created.) If you wanted to start a new issue, which is like a new email 
>> thread
>> e.g. for a standard name proposal, you would click the "New issue" button,
>> and get from there to a web form where you type plain text, and then
>> "Submit" it.
>> To comment on an issue (like replying to an email thread) you click on the
>> issue, go the bottom of the page, write in the box, and press "Comment".
>> To receive emails containing comments on any of the issues contributed by
>> others, you can "watch" the repository, by clicking on the drop-down menu
>> labelled "Watch" at the top of the page, with an icon like an eye. When you
>> receive such an email, you can reply to it and your reply will be posted to 
>> the
>> issue. (It tells you at the bottom of the email that you can do this, and 
>> gives
>> you the URL of the comment that's been sent in the the email in case you
>> want to do it on GitHub.)
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