I heartily agree with Seth's suggestion.

Another book that I like is "The Practice of Programming" by Kernighan &
Pike.  (If you know C, Kernighan is the "K" of "K&R" fame).  The code
samples in the book are C, C++, and Java, which may not be of interest to
some web developers, but the topics are universal.  Chapters include
Style, Algorithms & Data Structures, Design & Implementation, Interfaces,
Debugging, Testing, and Performance.

I would encourage all programmers to think of themselves as software
engineers.  The difference is that s/w engineers follow a process.  Web
development seems particularly weak in this area.  Process means managing
the software lifecycle, from gathering requirements, to design, design
review, code, code review, testing, release, configuration, and
maintenance.  The Software Engineering Institute
(http://www.sei.cmu.edu/) is a good source.  


On Tue, 4 Apr 2000 01:40:18 -0400 "Seth Petry-Johnson"
> >Ok, so like it's the middle of the night when all of the worst 
> questions
> >of life occur.  Does anyone know anything about programming theory?
> >That is looking at the how-to of programming, separate from the 
> syntax
> >of a particular language?  Are there any good resources?  Have you
> >developed any how-to's of your own?
> Check out Code Complete by Steve McConnell (ISBN1-55615-484-4).  Buy 
> from
> fatbrain.com, bn.com, or any place other than Amazon.com.  (couldn't
> resist... the boycott continues <g>)
> Regards,
> Seth Petry-Johnson
> Argo Enterprise and Associates
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