I have Win 2000 on a Compaq Armada 1750.. 

In CF Studio 4.5a (also tried 4.5.1rc2) the interface with the mouse 
pointer acts quite hokey when trying to select text.  Double clicking on 
a word doesn't select the word like normal -- it selects everything to 
the left of the cursor and to the beginning of the word.  Clicking 
inside a selected block doesn't de-select the block, it goes to drag-
and-drop.. The mouse wheel doesn't work inside CF Studio.. Other such 
annoying behavior.

The mouse works great in every other app on the system, its just CF 
Studio that acts like this.

These may seem like minor whines but they can become quite irritating 
when working full time inside CF Studio.

Anyone else experience strange behavior along these lines?

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