you might want to try to do the call to CFHTTP but have a CFCACHE tag at
the top of the page. CFCACHE will cache the the resultant html page that is
produced (makes a tmp file). you can just call that cached page over and
over can then run a scheduler to flush the page when you want
the results to be refreshed. just be careful that you don't end up with an
error message on that page because it will cache the error message. -emily

At 05:03 PM 4/12/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>On our Intranet site I'm grabbing headlines and writing them to a database
>on a scheduled basis so that users can pull them from the db rather than
>having to go out and fetch them every time they login. Not exactly "caching"
>in the sense that you are asking about but it accomplishes the same goal
>plus makes them searchable for however long I let the old headlines sit in
>the DB.
>Let me know if you'd like the code I use for it.
>> Ok - I'm outta my realm here, but I need to make it my realm.  I have a
>news feed from Moreover that uses JavaScript to incorporate
>> it into my page.  This works, but is an extremely slow process.  (I know
>it's the same for iSyndicate too - I use them other
>> places).  Is there anyway to grab this info, say hourly, and cache it for
>my use???  Anybody trying anything like this???
>> Dave

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