At 09:19 PM 4/16/2000 +0100, you wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: 16 April 2000 20:58
> > but extremely user unfriendly. I give it my vote of the most user
> > unfriendly program I've ever used in the last 10 years. Considering they
> > designed it to make the developers life easier, I would have to say it is a
> > failure on that front. Hopefully someone at Able Commerce will see some of
> > these comments and be embarrassed enough to do something constructive such
> > as making the program actually easier to use so we can get back to our
> > lives instead of getting frustrated by a rigid and ugly looking interface.
>But Able Commerce has been around for years and years - I remember when they
>started out marketing the original version of the program when their 
>company was
>called " Little Red Caboose" or some such thing.
>I am not necessarily disagreeing or agreeing with you, but it is an extremely
>well established and respected award winning product.
>Adrian Cooper.

But extremely user unfriendly, so what difference does it make how long 
they have been around. If you can't get it to provide the solution you paid 
for, it is useless.

And how come it is still so ugly after all these years? Surely someone must 
have at least some level of taste back there.
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