> > is there issue with using the same name as both a key and a structure?
> > for example, notice the use of "foo":
> >
> > <cfscript>
> >    application.foo = StructNew();
> >    application.foo.bar = true;
> >    application.myVar = StructNew();
> >    application.myVar.foo = false;
> > </cfscript>
> There shouldn't be, although from a readability perspective it's probably
> not too helpful to reuse variable names even within different scopes. What
> happens when you try it?

the weirdest thing... i have three applications with the same lines of code
in each application.cfm. the first two applications had no problem. the
third application would crash every page load whining that it couldn’t
assign a “symbol” to the application variable. after a scratching my head
for half an hour, we restarted the CF service and had no further problem.



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