My apologies but I haven't been following the thread too closely, is the
variable scoped and are the application names unique?  Dave is probably
right on the money with this one, my guess is that a simultaneous write was
occuring and the server is corrupting the variable memory.  Allaire was here
last week load testing and I picked up a lot of knowledge about using CFLOCK
- Raymond Camden can testify to this too, methinks.

In a similar memory corruption scenario, we found that Server was
unresponsive after applying a light load of about 30 simultaneous users
against our server - all sorts of nasty looking errors in our logs, etc.
Wrapping our session and application scopes inside CFLOCKS brought our
access times down considerably, and we were able to throw 4x the number of
simultaneous sessions without the server so much as blinking.


Ryan Hill, MCSE
Director, Systems Integration
Market Matrix, Inc. 

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 3:10 PM
> Subject: RE: naming conflict?
> > the weirdest thing... i have three applications with the same
> > lines of code in each application.cfm. the first two
> > applications had no problem. the third application would crash
> > every page load whining that it couldn't assign a "symbol" to
> > the application variable. after a scratching my head for half
> > an hour, we restarted the CF service and had no further problem.
> >
> > ideas?
> Nope, I haven't a clue, really. If I had to guess, I'd 
> suspect some odd
> memory allocation problem.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444
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