Dave, I appreciate the suggestion. Unfortunately, it didn't work. What I'm
seeing is that Netscape is writing Employees.rtf to my C:\TEMP directory on
the first load of the page and all subsequent loads still load with the
generated names. The additional cfheaders didn't prevent Netscape from
writing the Employees.rtf file to my C:\TEMP directory.

Any other ideas?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: cfcontent to rtf and netscape problem

> I'm using cfcontent to generate RTF files and it works fine, with
> the exception of one small problem when using Netscape. The first
> time I generate the document, the file opens properly as
> "Employees.rtf". If I generate the document again, the file opens
> as something like "VUUUT6QP.rtf". If I close Netscape and generate
> the document again, it again opens properly as "Employees.rtf".
> Basically it appears that any subsequent reloads of the document
> during the same Netscape session create a new name for the document.

This sounds like a client-side caching issue. Try adding a CFHEADER (or
three: courtesy of Larry Meadors) to instruct the browser not to cache the
RTF file:

<cfheader name="pragma" value="no-cache">
<cfheader name="cache-control" Value="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate">
<cfheader name="expires" value="<cfoutput>#now()#</cfoutput>">

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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