In <24E79395110CD411A08100A0CC5EEB940F0556@SEREX25>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in a fit of unbridled passion, wrote:
> Reuben King wrote:
> > I feel tempted to flame you, but I won't.  Cold Fusion is 
> > only concerned 
> > with Cold Fusion .cfm files.. NOTHING ELSE.  It doesn't care about 
> > PDF's, it doesn't care about making text flash in your browser, it 
> > doesn't care about ANYTHING but parsing .cfm files!!!!!
> This is patently incorrect. There is tremendous filesystem functionality
> built into the <cffile> and <cfcontent> tags. You can pretty much serve
> out any file you want, however you want it, at any time. If you want to
> secure non-CFM files, put them in a directory outside of your web hierarchy
> and use a script that serves them out using <cfcontent> or (sometimes) 
> <cffile> -- after the appropriate security checks, of course.

And you presume sending over a PDF as a .CFM is somehow acceptable?  
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