>However ... friggin' frackin' Microsoft!!!!!!!!!!!

If someone's complaining about security, it's a MS browser.
If someone's complaining about anything else, it's a NS browser.

At this point, I'd tend to agree with you about the likelihood of this hack
being exploited to any significant gain; OTOH, there are a lot of people who
aren't given much option as to whether cookies are enabled or disabled.
Many IT departments centrally manage security settings; if they don't want
cookies, you don't get to use them.  It all depends on the audience you're

In the past, I've used cookies only for allowing CF to test JavaScript
functionality on a user's browser.  Any variables that I'd want to persist
between sessions are stored in the DB, and clients log in.  Again, not
everyone has the luxury of doing that (but if you do, it's worth

At any rate, I'd have a real problem with anyone, anywhere, who would use
cookies to store potentially-sensitive information.

Brandon Whitaker
"It'll get used by the same people using Opera.  People dressed in black
wearing berets."
- Dave Watts, on Mozilla
"The net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
- John Gilmore

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