MS has acknowledged this and is, supposedly, working on a fix for it that
should be out latter this month.


----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Sheldon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 7:13 PM
Subject: RE: "You have nice cookies .. mind if I have a look?"

> Summary of the problem:
> In a nutshell, IE does not urldecode the request string before feeding it
> the routine that decides which cookie to send. I've written my own test
> routines, and exploiting this hole is unbelievably simple.
> All IE browsers on all MS platforms are vulnerable.
> The really nasty bit is that you may never see the URL that stole your
> cookies, it could be an embedded cgi or image link.
> >>BTW, Amazon and friends encrypt their cookies
> The fact that the cookies are encrypted may be irrelevant. Even if they
> couldn't be cracked (doubtful) they could still be used to impersonate
> It would be nice if Microsoft would at least acknowledge this bug. Quite
> frankly, it should be trivial to fix, all they have to do is feed the
> request through a url-decoding function first.

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