Is this the sad state of affairs in the credit card industry that we have to
ask these sort of questions here rather than get that info from our credit
card processing companies? The fact is, the credit card companies are not
willing to help merchants try to prevent fraud, because the entire burden is
borne by the merchant.

The Real Victims of Fraud
Credit card fraud is the Net's dirty little secret. The victims are not
consumers – they're merchants that have little or no recourse when they're
stuck with the bill.,1151,11974,00.html

E-Commerce Spotlight: Who's Cheating Whom?,2799,10096,00.html

Perhaps you should demand to speak to the fraud prevention group at your
credit card processor. They have one, they just may not want to talk to you.
And don't let them scare you that they don't want you processing on-line
transactions. If you are worried, call Discover or Visa's Fraud Group, they
are pretty good and insist that you want to speak to someone in their fraud
prevention group.


 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

-----Original Message-----

Does anyone have the rules for some kind of checksum algorithm that would
verify that the extra few digits are in fact correct for that credit card

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