At 04:42 PM 5/22/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Heh, I usually use Notepad... occasionally I use CF Studio 4.0.  Disable
>that Design tab though. *shudder*
>I heard Dreamweaver is neat with the CF addon thingy, been meaning to try
>that out.  DO NOT use Frontpage, it generates _sloppy_ HTML and doesn't
>like CFML very much :(  HomeSite is similar to CF Studio, I think.

More then that, Frontpage is so reliant on it's own damn "bots" that it 
converts what should be simple things into complex muckity-muck.

And, as an administrator, I have to tell you, Frontpage extensions, and 
dealing with them, is the single biggest load of crap in the business; if 
it wasn't for the market demand by starters for FP extensions, I'd ditch 
all of them and tell people they need to just learn how to FTP and do CGI 
for their darn mailto forms..


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