        Thanks for the great posts... I am fairly aware of coding patterns and
        Code that scale and different ways of scaling.
        eg (short-cut eval,evaluate,if, switch, IIF..coded right, cfscript,
Conditional looping rather
        nested (CFIF) test looping, variable scoping etc to name a few..)

        Almost all the posts back.. "Poor Coding"... Can you tell me how you can
        a LOOP in CFMX Vs CF5.0???
        You can do INDEX/CONDITION/Script(For,While) .. There might be some
        in cases where you can <CFSCRIPT> other wise.. i dont see.. how you can
        a LOOP FOR CFMX Vs CF.50.
        <cfset x="">
        <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="100000">
        <cfset x=x&i>
        All the basic functions in CF are almost the same.. Its only when you get
into CUSTOM TAGS/functions
        which can be implemented in .CFC which can be called CFMX optimized code...
        What if you are not using CUSTOM TAGS?.. this is generic question.. i am
        trying to GET into Custom Tags topic.
        To make my point clear...I think Basic operations in CFMX show a degraded
        under load...for specific settings..
        I am trying to do the research.. you guys might be right.. There might be
some internal CFMX
        settings that prove.. CFMX Scales better than... CF.50..
        Well..where are the MAGIC SETTINGS (MM docs.. dont think so!)..
        Probably in the HEAD    of some ENGINEER MM LAIDOFF.

Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 12:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFMX Taking all CPU Resources?

>Todd, great post, but how do we learn to optimize for MX?  Trial and
>error?  You can write crappy slow code in any language, but a few hits
>as to how to optimize for MX sure would be nice.

Sean Corfield is hosting the CFMX Best Practices:

CF-Talk's very own Michael Dinowitz has good suggestions as well (not
nessarily cfmx related):

Almost certainly that there's something to be found at: (there's even CFDJ articles written by him located

There's also some articles over at the Macromedia DesDev:

There's also certainly more community sites on the way, I know of one but
it's too early to announce anything.

And, as I much as I hate to say it, some of these resources are still being
written.  Some cost money (I remember when MetalSite (previous employer)
paid gTriad to review our code base, man that was interesting reading --
however, some of it was just common sense and our dev group was failing).

One of the best ideas I've seen so far was for a job posting... a company
had their own "Internal CFUG" ... which... damn... this makes a *lot* of
sense for a company.  Continued education should *always* be part of a
development team and if upper management can't see the benifits of an
internal CFUG... whew... I don't want to work there.

Something else I want to bring up... just because there's a boatload of
people that are rushing to put CFMX in their production environment doesn't
mean that *YOU* have too.  I did the majority of my research during beta
testing, not everyone has the time and luxury of doing this... I'm just
fortunately geek enough to want to know how this works (and, being single
helps too).  If your CF4/5 app isn't running 100% in CFMX, then, it's time
to research CFCs, It's time to research better UDF writing, it's time to
research the new things in CFMX so that you *can* take advantage of these
new features and the new speed.

Paying attention to the mailing list for a few months before jumping into
CFMX is always a good thing.  Don't jump, let others jump... take notes.

This blogging thing isn't a stupid idea.  I make it a regular ritual to go
read Sean's, Matt L.'s, CFGuru, Spike's, etc, etc (Yo, David Watts, Ray
Camden...  where's yours?!).  Some of their topics might be a little too
advanced or into the underpinnings of java or axis, but now and then I do
pull back some worthwhile information from someone's noggin and... perhaps
someday when I get around to learning Java, I'll understand what the hell
they were posting when they were rambling about it.  If you want URLs to
these sites, feel free to head over to my domain (
or ) -- I'm trying my best to keep links for all
the cfmx related blogs.

I know personally that I want to start writing up a whitepaper for my
methodology, but I just haven't gotten around to doing such and in the
process of too much freelance work and starting my own business (or,
looking for a new job - hint hint).


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