On Saturday, July 27, 2002, at 12:35 , Joe Eugene wrote:
>       in cases where you can <CFSCRIPT> other wise.. i dont see.. how you 
> can

Well, there's no real reason why cfscript should be faster (or slower) 
than using tags now - it all compiles to similar Java code.

>       <cfset x="">
>       <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="100000">
>       <cfset x=x&i>
>       </cfloop>

Are you saying this particular test runs slower on CFMX than CF5? (I'd be 
surprised if either system could cope with the resultant 'x' string).

>       All the basic functions in CF are almost the same.. Its only when you 
> get
> into CUSTOM TAGS/functions which can be implemented in .CFC which can be 
> called CFMX optimized code...

But custom tags and CFCs now run about the same speed (i.e., custom tags 
are much faster in CFMX than they were in CF5).

>       I am trying to do the research.. you guys might be right.. There 
> might be
> some internal CFMX settings that prove.. CFMX Scales better than... CF.50.
> .

Keep us posted on results you find - but make sure you post the tests too 
so we can verify those results.

>       Well..where are the MAGIC SETTINGS (MM docs.. dont think so!)..

There are no "magic settings".

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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