        MM's performance brief is probably based on optimized CFMX code
        and maybe optimized CF.50 code. How do you think this is going
        to help any of us.. unless the docs say.. Change all your code
        to get "THIS" performance.
        Have you personally done any LOAD Testing with your CF5.0 code
        (run on CFMX) that uses almost all the features of CF5.0? WDDX? Functions?
        Graphs(of Course deprecated)? CFSCRIPT?
        The problems reported so far.. has been the results of Tests done by
different users.
         We are still testing.. hope will find out something.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Kief [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 2:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFMX Taking all CPU Resources?


After reading your recent slew of posts, I feel compelled to speak up
(as others already have) for the majority of CFMX users on this list
that are doing just fine with the product. Sure, some things are running
slower (COM for sure) and waiting for page compilations on _development_
boxes is a slight nuisance. But in the overall scheme of things, most of
us are doing just fine with CFMX and we're finding similar results with
our production applications as Macromedia did with their tests (read the
performance brief:
rmance_brief.pdf). For what is basically a 1.0 release, it's pretty damn

I believe this is where Sean and others are coming from on this. We're
not having your type of trouble with our code (I should note here that
I'm not paying attention to CPU usage. Rather I'm monitoring response
times and throughput which matter more to the end user's experience).

So this leads us to the question that Sean has been asking all along,
what are YOU doing in YOUR tests? The more information you can provide
about your specific situation the better. Response times and code
samples would be the best place to start. Have you run your app. with
debugging turned on? If so, what pages are bottlenecking the
application? Can we get some code samples from those?

There are many of us that would like to help in this situation, but I
have to agree with Sean, the lack of details on your behalf is making it
rather difficult. If you really want to get to the root of your issues,
give us a something more to go on.

Chris Kief

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 10:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMX Taking all CPU Resources?

On Sunday, July 28, 2002, at 09:06 , Joe Eugene wrote:
>       If you have personally done some convincing TESTS ... we would
>       be happy to know your TEST results.

While I ran CF5 and CFMX (pre-release) on the same Win2K system, my
experience was that CFMX was faster (once the templates had been
on the first pass). CPU usage is higher with CFMX while it is compiling
(obviously) but I'm not sure that the overall average CPU usage was
with CFMX. As I said, I don't believe 100% CPU usage is a problem per

>       I am NOT asking you to comment on what "I" SAY/DO/TEST/CODE...
> TEST results...

But I am very interested in the *code* of your tests - I want to know
the response times are with your code (something you haven't told us).

>       If you have none...why dont you tune yourself out of this

Perhaps if you were less unpleasant about this whole matter people would

be more co-operative with you? I'm trying really hard to help you here
you haven't produced anything concrete for folks to work with. You've
been nasty and pointed fingers all around - while other people are quite

clearly not having the same problems that you believe you are seeing.

Stop raising your voice and show us the code and the response times.

Sean A Corfield --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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