Any place that has 'public' email lists is a good choice to start with. I've heard a 
whole lot about Topica selling lists of addresses. 
As for staying on peoples good sides, I'd say rigorous control over content and 
location is a must. If you know everything that's being sent out, when its going out 
and have a relatively good idea of who its going to then you've got a good start. 
Having quick public support service is another useful thing. 

Just as a side note for those who may have wondered, HoF does not distribute ANY of 
the email addresses that we have on our mailing lists or newsletters. 

> We have a client interested in running an email marketing campaign.  I was
> wondering if anyone out there could give me advice on:
> A)  Where do you generally go to get targeted email addresses
> and
> B)  What are the ins and outs that help stay on peoples good side and stay
> off the ISP black lists.
> My previous experience has been with subscribed newsletters, not with
> spa.... uh.... emaill marketing.
> -mk
> Mark A. Kruger, MCSE, CFG
> more brochures!
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