The key to this is to only send to people who have specifically
requested your message.  We send mail for clients and sometimes have to
use outside lists.  When we do, we have the list provider send the mails
from their servers, and we do not put our logos on the ads.  We only put
our identifying info on stuff we send directly.  

Most third-party lists we've used absolutely suck.  When we use client's
lists, we get anywhere from 10% - 50% clickthroughs, with very, very low
opt-out rates (like .07%).  With third party lists, we're lucky to get
2%.  That's not a typo - Two Percent.  It's also a good idea to get a
disclaimer signed by your client releasing you from any performance
clauses - make sure the client understands that the response may be
dismal and that you are not responsible for it.  If they balk at
signing, deliver the content and let them take responsibility for
finding a mailing service with lists.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 2:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Email lists

We have a client interested in running an email marketing campaign.  I
was wondering if anyone out there could give me advice on:

A)  Where do you generally go to get targeted email addresses


B)  What are the ins and outs that help stay on peoples good side and
stay off the ISP black lists.

My previous experience has been with subscribed newsletters, not with
spa.... uh.... emaill marketing.


Mark A. Kruger, MCSE, CFG
.no more brochures!

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