-----Original Message-----
 > From: Richard Fascianella [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 > Hello,
 > I joined this list with the hope someone can help me with an issue I am
 > having.
 > I need to find out if CF can be used to generate a pop-up browser window
 > WITHOUT the use of javascript.
 > What I am trying to do is validate a form, and have a pop-up box appear
 > when a field is not filled out,

Just use the <CFINPUT>, <CFSELECT>, etc tags.


<CFINPUT TYPE="text" name="phone" size="10" maxlength="10" Required="yes" 
Message"You need to enter a phone number"

If you look at it, it should be pretty self-explanatory.  The "required" 
atribute of the tag is either yes or no.  The "message" attribute of the 
tag is the text that appears in the pop-up window and the "validate" 
attribute of the tag will tells what kind of information should be in the 
field.  Cold Fusion does the rest for you and generates the 
javascript.  :o)  A good source, Forta's ColdFusion 4.0 book, pages 
825-826, 851.

 >or when a field is a duplicate (using SQL to check for dupes), informing 
the user of such.

I've done this on my pages through the action page for my forms.  I run a 
query first to see if there is a record for it already in the database.  I 
use #queryname.RecordCount# in my <CFIF> statement.  If it comes back as 
zero I insert the new record, or if it comes back as 1 I ask the user if 
they want to do an update and then pass to another action page that has an 
update query.

 > Im not a programmer, so please phrase your answers accordingly :)


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