Hi jenny,

the form validations will workout as u said but it is, when only one submit
button is on the form. wat to do? if two submit buttons on the form in which
two serves differently , i mean one for form submission and another is to
see anything like history of earlier visits suppose. So if we want to write
form validations on that form it executes no matter which button you clicked
but my purpose is form validate when and only the submit button is clicked
and not other button. 

how can we execute form validations when two submit button are on the form??

Please let me know wat should i do??

thanx in advance



-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: Can CF generate a Pop-up Window w/o Javascript?????

-----Original Message-----
 > From: Richard Fascianella [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 > Hello,
 > I joined this list with the hope someone can help me with an issue I am
 > having.
 > I need to find out if CF can be used to generate a pop-up browser window
 > WITHOUT the use of javascript.
 > What I am trying to do is validate a form, and have a pop-up box appear
 > when a field is not filled out,

Just use the <CFINPUT>, <CFSELECT>, etc tags.


<CFINPUT TYPE="text" name="phone" size="10" maxlength="10" Required="yes" 
Message"You need to enter a phone number"

If you look at it, it should be pretty self-explanatory.  The "required" 
atribute of the tag is either yes or no.  The "message" attribute of the 
tag is the text that appears in the pop-up window and the "validate" 
attribute of the tag will tells what kind of information should be in the 
field.  Cold Fusion does the rest for you and generates the 
javascript.  :o)  A good source, Forta's ColdFusion 4.0 book, pages 
825-826, 851.

 >or when a field is a duplicate (using SQL to check for dupes), informing 
the user of such.

I've done this on my pages through the action page for my forms.  I run a 
query first to see if there is a record for it already in the database.  I 
use #queryname.RecordCount# in my <CFIF> statement.  If it comes back as 
zero I insert the new record, or if it comes back as 1 I ask the user if 
they want to do an update and then pass to another action page that has an 
update query.

 > Im not a programmer, so please phrase your answers accordingly :)


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