It appears as though several others may also be using this tag.  I've 
looked over other options, and it seems viable (and free) when compared to 
BrowserHawk, etc. (unless someone can voice good arguments for those..)

What I'm trying to do is very simple..


<cfif #BrowserType# is "MSIE" and #Version# GTE "3.02" and #OS# is not "MAC">
        <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="start.cfm?ie3">
<cfelseif #BrowserType# is "NS" and #Version# GTE "4">
        <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="start.cfm?ns4">
<cfelseif #BrowserType# is "MSIE" and #Version# GTE "4">
        <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="start.cfm?ie4">
<cfelseif #BrowserType# is "NS" and #Version# GTE "3">
        <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="start.cfm?ns3">
<cfelseif #BrowserType# is "AOL" and #Version# GTE "3">
        <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="start.cfm?ie3">
<cfelseif #BrowserType# is "OTHER">
        <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="start.cfm?ftags">
     <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="upgradenow.cfm">

Here's the two issues I've got:

(1) I'm not sure how this would detect/handle Opera and
(2) I'm trying to of course, dump all of the trolling search engines into 
output with full tags, etc... with BrowserHawk, etc. I can detect them via 
name, I'm assuming here they would fall under "other"

Am I on the right track here?


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