> Iif is necessary in certain cases. 

I can't think of a single case in which it's necessary. It's just another
way to perform conditional logic. If you have one way to perform conditional
logic, you can do anything you need, although it might be clumsier in some
situations than an alternative would be.

> Last time I checked, you can't use cfif inside other 
> cf tags...  (Maybe in mx you can). 

It depends on what you mean by "inside". For example, you can do this:

<cfquery ...>
 ... some SQL goes here ...
<cfif ...>
 ... some conditional SQL goes here ...

However, even if you mean something else, you can always rewrite your
application to use CFIF - you can do your conditional logic before the CFML
tag which uses it, for example.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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