On Thursday, September 26, 2002, at 04:02  PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:

> This is SOT, but it is related to CF.
> I want to be able to manipulate MS-Access databases from CFMX (Linux)
> running on Mac OS X.
> I have been told that the way to do this is run MS-Access on a win box
> on a LAN, and then have my CFMX programs read the MS-Access db over the
> network -- OpenLink says they have a connector that can potentially be
> used to interface CFMX and MS-Access over a LAN.
> OK, Mac OS X Jaguar has built-in capability to connect to win networks,
> so that part should be easy.  (AFAIK, Jaguar includes the popular
> networking protocols including, NFS, SMB, and whatever the acronyms 
> are)
> I don't know where to begin on the winNT side -- How do I define a
> network so that I can recognize it from a Mac OS X box?
> Anybody got any ideas or can point me to a reference?


If the WinNT box and your Mac are in the same subnet, you should be 
able to simply go to the directory on the Windows machine you want to 
share, right click, choose sharing, and create a share name for that 

Then, from the OS X Finder hit apple-K and put smb:// (or 
whatever the IP of the Windows machine is), hit OK, authenticate using 
a valid user account with access to the share on the Windows box, and 
bingo, you should see a select box of shares available on the PC. 
Select the one you just created and it should mount in the finder.

Just make sure when you set up the share on the PC you allow access 
with the account you're going to authenticate with from the Mac.

By the way, I do this daily with a Windows 2000 box, but have never 
done it with Windows NT and Jag. I would recommend Win2K if possible 

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