Yes Paris,

They are also doing seminars on this around the US.

Mike Brunt - CTO
Webapper Services LLC
Downey CA Office

"Making the NET Work"

-----Original Message-----
From: Paris Lundis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 7:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: How Good is the Job Market for ColdFusion?

What's the IBM push of CF you make reference of??

I assume that deal with Websphere running with CF?

Paris Lundis
Areaindex, L.L.C.
[finding the future in the past, passing the future in the present]
[connecting people, places and things]

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mike Brunt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 07:35:44 -0700
Subject: RE: How Good is the Job Market for ColdFusion?

> Kris, Jeff said this better than I but I can't see how putting
> everything
> into Microsoft and .NET gives you "the ability to roll out our apps
> in
> multiple formats".  CF is far more cross platform than .NET overall.
> What intrigues me about many of the threads in recent weeks and
> months
> intimate that Macromedia's acquisition of Allaire has disadvantaged
> ColdFusion somehow (I know you are not saying that I'm just jumping
> on your
> thrust Kris). I worked for Allaire (and enjoyed it immensely) I was
> laid of
> by Macromedia so could have an axe to grind.  Yet my feeling <going
> back to
> the main point of this thread> is this is a great time for CF and all
> of us
> who have CF expertise. And Macromedia are listening to us!
> Two things excite me in particular, the growing integration with
> Flash and
> the amount of marketing muscle being applied to CF by IBM. As always
> Mike Brunt - CTO
> Webapper Services LLC
> Downey CA Office
> 562.243.6255
> "Making the NET Work"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kris Pilles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 7:01 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: How Good is the Job Market for ColdFusion?
> I can just throw ColdFusion out the window we have a lot of
> applications
> that need to be converted so we will be using it for quite a while...
> What I envision is using CF for quick or small projects that have to
> much overhead... A great example is a project I am finishing up
> now...
> We need to write out a bunch of text files from records sets from
> oracle... A pain in the a** to do in ASP or .net but with CF it's a
> breeze.
> I would like to keep it around for things like that and any flash
> data
> work we do but outside of that I don't see it being a major part of
> any
> of our enterprise applications.
> As I said before personally I will ocntinue to use CF for my business
> and ecommerce sites. I love the product but I just think that the
> .NET
> stuff has the edge at this time... For Microsoft orgainzations that
> is...
> One decision my company just made is to give up on UNIX and oracle
> and
> switch enitrelly to micrososft world SQL server all NT servers and
> all
> NET development... The prinicipal is great
> 1 company
> 1 development platform
> 1 programming team that all knows the same stuff
> But having been at other 100% microsoft organizations.... I have seen
> what happens when you put all of your eggs in 1 basket.
> I think getting rid of Oracle on AIX & Linux is a big mistake for
> us...
> Especially in favor of  NT based SQL server... Especially after we've
> already bought oracle and set it up and have it running without
> issue...
> But that's a separate issue.
> But the big decision maker was the ability to roll out our apps in
> multiple formats...
> If CF allowed up that then it would be a no brainer to stay with CF..
> KP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Whatcott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 9:48 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: How Good is the Job Market for ColdFusion?
> Sorry to that you see it that way.  Perhaps we can change your mind.
> The combination of J2EE + CFMX gives you an environment that can
> scale
> across the full spectrum of projects, from the smallest web form to
> the
> biggest mission-critical enterprise application.  And you also get
> true
> cross-platform deployment and industry-leading rich client technology
> that is light years ahead of anything else out there.
> We think the ColdFusion MX + J2EE application servers (like JRun!)
> combo
> delivers all the technology that an enterprise needs, and offers
> critical flexibility than you don't get going with a single vendor.
> Having said all that, we think .NET is important infrastructure
> technology and we will continue to offer products that integrate with
> and take advantage of it.  Hence the COM and web services support in
> CFMX, the .NET support in Flash Remoting MX, etc.  At the end of the
> day, we're not religious about this platform or that platform, we
> just
> want to pragmatically solve customer problems.
> We believe that as you really dig into the details, you'll find that
> continuing to have ColdFusion in your mix will pay off in the long
> run.
> Jeff W.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kris Pilles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:51 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: How Good is the Job Market for ColdFusion?
> Interesting to find some of this out.  We are in a position that I
> think
> many organizations are in.  We've been priamrilly a CF house for well
> over 2 years and we purchased MX enterprise but have yet to install
> it
> because of the growing popularity of .NET .  I really enjoy CF and
> love
> what I can do with it and how fast I can develop with it but... I
> think
> that our IT director along with a good part of me is feeling pressure
> to
> switch over to .NET entirely.  The biggest reason is .NET's ability
> to
> allow us to develop for a multitude of enviroments... Thin client,
> clinet server, web based etc...  This will allow our organization to
> have all of their programmers working on the same platform thus
> creating
> an internal community where everyone can help everyone else out and
> learn from each other..
> While CF is a great product, it can not offer this type of
> standardization to us.  I am a strong believer in CF and will
> continue
> to use it for development for my personal business sites as well as
> any
> development I contract but in a corporate enviroment where many
> different applications are being developed and supported, I have no
> solid reasons as to why we shouldn't switch to .NET
> KP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vernon Viehe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 7:25 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: How Good is the Job Market for ColdFusion?
> >The enterprise penetration of MX has been weak. MM would blame this
> on the marketplace, but I'm not sold on this.
> Server version upgrade cycles in the enterprise app-server space is
> around 12 months, according to those I've discussed it with. We're
> really only about halfway through the cycle at this time. The overall
> installed CF base is pretty healthy, and growing. Here's a partial
> list
> of existing CF sites we use for PR/marketing:
> Even considering the upgrade cycle in the enterprise app-server
> world,
> the list of CFMX enterprise sites is growing every day. The following
> are a few of the CFMX sites recently sent to me:
> (some CF, some dynamic Flash content,
> some
> just plain HTML)
> We know a lot of enterprise-level customers have upgraded to CFMX and
> are in the upgrade cycle - but they don't always report back to us
> when
> they go live with CFMX, so feel free to send me sites that you know
> of
> too!
> In addition to this stuff, consider the ways Macromedia is expanding
> the
> CF market:
> *Ground-up rewrite in Java: This expands CF capabilities, as well as
> makes CF an option to the enterprise-level sites which want the
> benefits
> of deploying on a the Java platform and the rapid app dev (RAD)
> offered
> by CF. It also means current CF customers have a way to move up to
> the
> Java platform without requiring they abandon their existing apps (or
> their CF developers). Admittedly, this has been a challenging release
> of
> CF for some, but once the dust settles, CF and the CF community will
> enjoy this huge leap forward.
> *We're working to deliver the information developers need to help
> them
> be successful with ColdFusion and our other technology offerings:
> *We're tappiing into new markets for CF:
> -With Flash remoting, the HUGE Flash community is getting turned on
> to
> CF. While one can purchase Flash remoting for ASP, Flashers taking to
> CF
> readily because of it's shorter learning curve and RAD capabilities.
> -Dreamweaver users: OK, before you pile on me about this one, I'm not
> trying to debate the CFStudio/HS+ vs. Dreamweaver issue for CFers.
> Dreamweaver is ~80% of the HTML editor market, and these folks are
> moving into the dynamic application/web app development space in
> droves.
> Dreamweaver MX makes their entry into the CF arena a snap with its
> built
> in server behaviors that cover the most basic stuff, and CF's shorter
> learning curve and tagged based syntax makes CF a very attractive for
> these new application developers.
> *We've delivered innovative products that are more integrated and
> work
> more smoothly with each other than ever before, offering "one-stop"
> shopping for industry leading technologies. This also means that we
> can
> deliver well integrated technologies, and better information for
> those
> who are integrating these various technologies. But we've also worked
> to
> remain somewhat agnostic with many of these innovations; many (most)
> of
> these innovations integrate with 3rd party products/platforms.
> Individually, one may not be positioned to take advantage of
> everything
> we offer surrounding CF, but we see businesses moving into these
> areas
> as they begin to plan and implement new projects, and bring
> additional
> technologies & skills into their shops.
> It's been said Macromedia should concentrate on CF improvements and
> fixes and forget everything else, but our efforts across the board
> are
> not mutually exclusive. We've already released one CFMX updater, and
> another is fortcoming.
> Macromedia is fully behind ColdFusion and ColdFusion developers. Yes,
> there is definately room for improvement, as is evidenced by some of
> the
> more lively discussion on this list recently. But we do listen to and
> incorporate to the community's feedback, while we continue to
> innovate.
> Unfortunately, sometimes we can't talk about everything happening,
> even
> in the face of (emerging) competition. But that shouldn't be misread
> as
> an indication that nothing is happening behind the scenes.
> I personally think the economy has stifled some of the payoff from
> Macromedia's efforts, it's stifled just about everything involving
> economics! But eventually you will start to see these efforts start
> to
> pay off for ColdFusion and CF developers.
> Nay-sayers can say spout gloom and doom if they will, but CF is on
> the
> way up. We're just gettin' started!
> Vernon Viehe
> ColdFusion Community Manager
> Developer Relations
> Macromedia, Inc.
> Online diary:
> --------------------
> Macromedia DevCon 2002, October 27-30, Orlando, Florida
> Architecting a New Internet Experience
> Register today at

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