
  I believe this is the one you said you had problems with, though.

At 08:42 AM 11/6/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Has anyone successfully built a mod_coldfusion.so for Apache 2
>and Linux?
>We've just moved to RedHat 8.0 and had to regress back to
>Apache 1.3.27 (which we had to build ourselves) because
>Macromedia has elected not to provide support of the
>prior release on the current, more secure, Apache
>web server.
>We tried compiling Dwayne's modified mod_coldfusion.c,
>but ran into issues with the Macromedia-provided library.
>This will be a serious problem if 5.0 users are 'stuck' on
>Apache 1.3. It also sends a bad precedent regarding
>reasonable support periods for prior releases of
>Cold Fusion... ...this is definitely not 'Enterprise'
>software quality of support.
>The sad thing is that MM has the resources to provide
>hundreds of customers with relief with only a few hours
>investment in developer time to provide a 'clean' migration
>path to Apache 2.
>The question is, are customers important enough for them
>to do so?

  Well, the answer is to upgrade.  Of course that is not necessarily the 
answer you want to hear, but common in the Computer Software world.

Jeffry Houser | mailto:jeff@;farcryfly.com
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