
I've found that after stop/starting Apache, without touching CFMX, the JRun/Apache 
connector keeps working as expected. I've seen this using Linux.

I would expect, and in fact prefer, the same behaviour with JRun/IIS connector. I 
don't see as a good thing to have to start IIS before CFMX. I'm wondering if there is 
a config parameter for JRun/IIS connector that could change this. Maybe it's a bug, or 
an improvement that should be considered.


>On Tuesday, Nov 12, 2002, at 06:12 US/Pacific, Marcello Frutig wrote:
>> there is no need to create any special mapping on the external web 
>> server to have CFMX serving servlets called via a url like 
>> http://host/myMapping/MySerlvet. Just install the CFMX JRun Connector 
>> and all the servlet mappings defined on WEB-INF/web.xml are processed 
>> by the connector, as expected.
>OK, well, that probably explains why more people hadn't reported the 
>problem :)
>> I figured out that we just need to make sure that the external web 
>> server is (re)started before CFMX.
>Interesting. If anything, I would expect the web server would need to 
>be restarted *after* CFMX was restarted so that the JRun connector 
>could re-establish its connection to CF (well, JRun Inside). Perhaps on 
>Windows, IIS needs restarting first but on Solaris Apache needs 
>restarting afterward? (which is what we do)
>Anyway, I'm glad you have a solution.
>"SOAP is not so much a means of transmitting data
>  but a mechanism for calling COM objects over the Web."
>-- not Microsoft (surprisingly!)
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