Paris Lundis wrote:

> I was wondering how people were dealing with email from Cold Fusion
> applications to respond to such issues... Since CFMAIL doesn't support
> any login and password login type stuff...

Routers block incoming connections on port 25 to all but 2 IP addresses. 
On these IP addresses 2 mail gateways are running, which have correct 
anti-relay, anti-spam and anti-virus measures installed. Via an 
administrative system people can enter domains they want to receive mail 
for behind the gateways. Based on MX records with a higher priority the 
mailgateways are set up as fail-over servers. Outgoing mail is not 
protected in any way, but since no illegal incoming mail is possible 
that is no problem (provided you can handle anybody inside your network 
using an AUP with sufficient options for litigation).


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