
In the CFMAIL section of the Docs for version 5.0 it
describes the tags.  It is similar to CFPOP as well and
works the same way.

The FROM address should be the Account name the mail server
uses, followed by password ="pop passwordhere"
You use the REPLYTO as the email address of the user
actually sending the mail to prevent spamming.

When I get a chance I will dig out the code from a running
app I have if you cannot find it.

Douglas White
group Manager
----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh Trefethen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:08 AM
Subject: RE: secure email...

| Hey Doug, you there?
| --
| Josh Trefethen
| :::::[ Exciteworks, Inc ]::[ ]:::::.
| ::[ cf hosting on linux ]::[ consulting ]::[
expertise ]::.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Josh Trefethen
| Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 1:29 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: secure email...
| I was thinking the same thing...
| There is no reference to a log in and password in your
example...what am
| I missing?
| --
| Josh Trefethen
| :::::[ Exciteworks, Inc ]::[ ]:::::.
| ::[ cf hosting on linux ]::[ consulting ]::[
expertise ]::.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 10:02 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: Re: secure email...
| >Excuse me! But CFMAIL certainly does support Login and
Passwords when
| >sending out email. I am using CF 5.0
| I don't get it.  Your code sample shows no username or
password parms
| anywhere.  I've checked the CF docs and there is no such
support for
| what you describe in MX.  I don't have 5.0 docs handy.
| What am I missing?
| fyi cfparaming in a message-id is another good idea
alongside reply-to.
| Both help keep some anti-spam systems (like Declude) from
flagging the
| message fo poor formatting.
| <cfmailparam name="Message-ID"
| value="<#CreateUUID()#@#attributes.EmailServer#>">
| ---------------------------------------
| Matt Robertson, MSB Designs, Inc.
| - Retail
| - ColdFusion Tools
| ---------------------------------------
| ---------- Original
Message ----------------------------------
| from: "samcfug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 21:09:30 -0600
| >I imagine you can pass just about any variable you want
to, however, it
| >might be smart to try in some way to validate that the
reply to is a
| >valid email address or to discard the email completely.
| >
| >One of the advantages I discovered using the REPLYTO is
that when the
| >addressee had a vacation reply or auto-responder set up,
it will not go
| >into a mail loop.  Those make sys admins very mad at you.
| >
| >I am trying to write a custom tag that will do a SMTP
| >verify, to try to catch bad email addresses, but it is
| >yet ready for prime time :-)
| >
| >For those that were talking about using Linux,  I have
| >successfully using Sendmail and with Mailman to support
the mailing
| >lists. (Imail on Windows has all this built-in)  but am
in the
| >process of switching the Linux mail server to Postfix,
| >is an all-in-one package that will handle email, list
| >server, and web mail, and WebMin for remote
| >
| >Both my Imail and my sendmail servers are high volume, as
I support
| >free hosting for User groups, and their mail lists.
Rarely is email
| >taking longer than one to two minutes to deliver, and in
those cases,
| >it is usually a reluctant receiving mail server that
causes the delay.
| >Hotmail is the worst offender, but right in there is
| >, and earthlink.
| >
| >
| >=====================================
| >Douglas White
| >group Manager
| >
| >=====================================
| >----- Original Message -----
| >From: "Paris Lundis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 8:31 PM
| >Subject: Re: secure email...
| >
| >
| >| Doug,
| >|
| >| I see how that sample utilizes the Reply-To as a
| >parameterized value ..
| >| pretty cool was to roll in the reply-to...
| >|
| >| Are you aware of any list or decision on what values
| >be used (ie:
| >| does CF have open architecture to handle and pass any
| >value like that
| >| which might be SMTP standards compliant or did CF folks
| >just allow a few
| >| like this)...
| >|
| >| IMplemented that reply-to workaround on our mail to
| >feature..
| >| very cool.. thanks a bunch!
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >| Paris Lundis
| >| Founder
| >| Areaindex, L.L.C.
| >|
| >|
| >| 412-292-3135
| >| [finding the future in the past, passing the future in
| >present]
| >| [connecting people, places and things]
| >|
| >|
| >| -----Original Message-----
| >| From: "samcfug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >| Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 20:14:57 -0600
| >| Subject: Re: secure email...
| >|
| >| > <cfmail from="#notifyemail#" to="#form.EMAIL#"
| >| > Order"> Dear #form.Name#,
| >| >
| >| > Thank you for your order. The total charge to your
#form.USER7# was
| >| > #TRIM(NumberFormat(form.USER5,"$999,999,999.99"))#.
| >| >
| >| >
| >| > Sincerely,
| >| > #storename# Customer Service Staff
| >| > </cfmail>
| >| >
| >| > also:
| >| >
| >| > <HTML>
| >| >    <HEAD>
| >| >       <TITLE>Sending Your Greeting</title>
| >| >    </head>
| >| >    <BODY>
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.to_email" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.to_name" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.from_email" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.from_name" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.comments" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.to_email" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.to_name" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.from_email" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.from_name" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFPARAM NAME="form.comments" DEFAULT="">
| >| > <CFSET NOW="#DateFormat(Now(),"yyyy-mm-dd")#
| >| > "&"#TimeFormat(Now(),"HH:mm:ss")#">
| >| >
| >| > <CFMAIL server="mail.your.domain"
| >| >
| >| > TO="#form.to_email#"
| >| > >From = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
| >| > Subject = "Web Page from #form.from_name#">
| >| > <cfmailparam name="Reply-To" value
="#form.from_email#"> Hello
| >| > #form.to_name#!
| >| >
| >| > #form.from_name# sent you this page from the
[yourdomainname] web
| >| > site
| >| >
| >| >
| >| > Comments from #form.from_name#:
| >| > #form.comments# on this date #now#
| >| > </CFMAIL>
| >| >          <H1>Message Sent</h1>
| >| >          <CFOUTPUT>
| >| >             <P>Your message to #Form.to_name# has
| >sent
| >| > </p>
| >| >          </CFOUTPUT>
| >| >   <CFQUERY NAME="MailSend" DATASOURCE="church7"
| >| > insert into tellafriend_log (sending_date,
| >| > from_name, to_email,
| >| > to_name, message_comments)
| >| > values ('#NOW#', '#form.from_email#',
| >'#form.from_name#',
| >| > '#form.to_email#',
| >| > '#form.to_name#', '#form.comments#')
| >| >
| >| >   </CFQUERY>
| >| >   <cflocation url="default.cfm">
| >| >       </body>
| >| > </html>
| >| >
| >| >
| >| > =====================================
| >| > Douglas White
| >| > group Manager
| >| > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| >| >
| >| > ----- Original Message -----
| >| > From: "Paris Lundis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >| > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >| > Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 7:50 PM
| >| > Subject: Re: secure email...
| >| >
| >| >
| >| > | What the syntax for this?  I have a 4.5 box here
| >| > 5.0... I know of
| >| > | 4.5 it doesn't exist....
| >| > |
| >| > | I looked up docs on MX at Macromedia's site and
| >see
| >| > any such
| >| > | syntax in their command reference :)
| >| > |
| >| > | -paris
| >| > |
| >| > | Paris Lundis
| >| > | Founder
| >| > | Areaindex, L.L.C.
| >| > |
| >| > |
| >| > | 412-292-3135
| >| > | [finding the future in the past, passing the future
| >the
| >| > present]
| >| > | [connecting people, places and things]
| >| > |
| >| > |
| >| > | -----Original Message-----
| >| > | From: "samcfug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| >| > | Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 19:48:50 -0600
| >| > | Subject: Re: secure email...
| >| > |
| >| > | > Excuse me!   But CFMAIL certainly does support
| >and
| >| > | > Passwords when sending out email. I am using CF
| >| > | >
| >| > | > I use Ipswitch's Imail Ver 7.0 with SMTP AUTH
| >enabled,
| >| > and
| >| > | > crank out emails from several CF applications on
| >varied
| >| > | > Virtual domains on my servers.  I don't have to
| >create
| >| > | > "allow relay for" entries at all, as I don't
| >consider
| >| > that
| >| > | > very secure.  SMTP AUTH also will block spoofing,
| >such
| >| > as
| >| > | > KLEZ infected emails as well.
| >| > | >
| >| > | > =====================================
| >| > | > Douglas White
| >| > | > group Manager
| >| > | > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| >| > | >
| >| > | > =====================================
| >| > | > |
| >| > | > | I was wondering how people were dealing with
| >| > from
| >| > | > Cold Fusion
| >| > | > | applications to respond to such issues... Since
| >| > | > doesn't support
| >| > | > | any login and password login type stuff...
| >| > | > |
| >| > | >
| >| > | >
| >| > |
| >| >
| >| >
| >|
| >
| >

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