I posted a few days about a possible bug in MX.

I've made a set of test files that demonstrate the problem and I'd like
to get some independent validation of my insanity.

The problem that I see is that a link, within a CFLOCATION, that
includes the URL parameter "threadID" comes up blank (no content, no
"view source", no nothing, just blank).

It definitely seems OS/Browser specific.  My self and brother, both
using the latest IE on XP (version 6sp1, him XP Home, me XP
professional) get the problem.

However on another machine, using the same version of IE, but running
Windows 2000 Server does not show the problem.  It's driving me crazy.

Here's link to the test files:


And, if you're intested here's link to the source of the test files:


If you could give that link a slap and drop me a line (of list would be
fine) with the results (especially if they verify the bug) I'd be most

Thanks in advance.

Jim Davis

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