> All this in one function means it's not n-tier or MVC.
I understand that. Again, I was disagreeing with the responses
suggesting that outputting directly from a CFC was in some way wrong.

> So, where is the incorrect information?  That CFC's are "generally
> considered" to be used for data access/business tier?  That is true,
> are mostly used for that.  Never said they can't be used for
> provided details on how to do it later on in the same post--just said
> usually aren't.
First of all, I challenge you to prove your statement. How have you
determined what CF developers general consider CFCs for? Further, how do
you know they usually aren't used for display? I for one have never used
a CFC for data access or business logic as I prefer the use of Java

Second, even if I were to accept that the general use of CFCs is as you
stated --which I don't-- that isn't an argument for or against using
CFCs another way. See


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