On Wednesday, Dec 11, 2002, at 07:11 US/Pacific, Joshua Miller wrote:
> I know this is probably nothing special, but getting an easy-to-install
> CFML engine on my Mac just made my day!

I just posted the following to the BACFUG list - after Vince's 
presentation to the user group tonight.

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I found Vince's talk about JSP for CFers very interesting. I am 
somewhat familiar with JSP but to see a side-by-side comparison like 
this was enlightening, especially the section on the new JSTL 

Vince's demo of BlueDragon - more or less in place of the usual Q&A 
session - was also worth seeing. Vince showed how you can develop CF 
applications using BD on Tomcat and then deploy as a 'compiled' Web 
Archive file to a different J2EE application server - he took Ben 
Forta's CF5 Construction Kit as an example, showed it running on 
BD/Tomcat and then created a .war file which he then deployed to BEA's 
WebLogic and showed it running. Impressive. And, as I had to concede, 
something that is not possible with CFMX at the moment.

I had already downloaded both the Tomcat installer and the BlueDragon 
trial about a month ago but had been too busy to actually install 
either. While Vince talked, I installed Tomcat and BlueDragon in just a 
few minutes:

        tar xvfz jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12.tar.gz
        mv jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12 /home/tomcat
        tar xvfz BlueDragon.tar.gz
        cp -r BlueDragon_J2EE /home/tomcat/webapps/bd
        cd /home/tomcat/bin

Then hit http://localhost:8080/bd/bluedragon/admin.cfm and explored the 
BlueDragon administrator. Simple but effective. The developer edition 
pops up an alert every 20 requests which is kind of annoying but a very 
effective way to ensure no one tries to deploy to production!

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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