What version of JVM are you using?

Theres a similar problem with CFGrid, version 1.4 does not pass the values
through, but 1.3 does


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 16:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF5/WinXPPro - java patch doesnt work - Why?

I posted this a while ago, and no one has responded.   Perhaps CF5 isn't
of interest to anyone any more  ...  does anyone have any idea how I fix
this please?

I recently upgraded to WinXPPro and have a LOT of great new things to
celebrate - like for example Studio5 doesn't crash all the time, and with my
extra memory I can run FireworksMX and DreamweaverMX together.

But the only problem I've found is that that old java problem with CF5
has returned.   I've applied all the hotfixes I can find, and restarted
several times, but still when I click on an item in a CFTREE, it doesn't
pass the value to the page it's required on, as it did before. 

Any ideas?   I have the CFJava2.jar file that's 86,175 bytes size.  I've
applied the iepatch.exe patch too.

Anyone have any thoughts as to what I might have missed?

Mike Kear
AFP Webworks
Windsor, NSW, Australia

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