Kinda.. That is unless they simply decided to scrap it in favor of the
next "best thing since sliced bread" in which case it'd be dead forever.
Of course, you could always go back to school.. ;)

| You can sit here and complain that MS is the bad guy, but 
| they are not the company you have put your faith in. I know I 
| have the unpopular view on this list as anti-MM, but I can 
| tell you that if MS owned Flash, you wouldn't have to worry 
| about it being sold again. Same goes for Cold Fusion. You 
| could rest assured that the technology and education you put 
| into MS will still be viable in 20 years. Which is something 
| only a fool would say about Cold Fusion or Flash which are 
| both still in their relative adolescence.

Don't agree.  MM's still here.  CF is still here.  Flash is still here.
We're all still working with languages that are both supported and
growing.  Simply don't agree.

| Quite frankly, MS offers developers security. Something that 
| MM and Allaire have failed quite miserably at (IMO).

Agreed.  That would be logical.  Anyone taking bets?  Mine's on Apple.
<ducking - and no I don't use MACs>

| Rest assured though, we will probably not fall to the evil 
| empire. If acquiring MM is a bid to diminish J2EE, I would 
| expect IBM or Sun to offer a merger to counter an MS 
| acquisition. After all, they both seemed to have invested a 
| great deal in Cold Fusion and its J2ee developers.

Totally agree.
| Although I still tell every CF developer I meet to learn a 
| new language. Bottom line is that a broader skill set is 
| never a detriment.

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