> Exactly why is MS the evil empire again?
MS is not the evil empire. It is a company with business practices that are
unethical at best. I have seen more good ideas "embraced and extended" to
death, then I care to admit. I got into computers because I love computers.
I love to write code - to make killer apps that no one has seen. Not to
crush the competition by releasing an inferior product in to my monopolistic
and dumbed down OS.

I think of myself as an artist (sometimes my code is good sometimes bad),
and Microsoft as the painter of those black light Elvis paintings.

> Do you think there is a correlation between how MS
> is viewed in capitalism and how the US is viewed in
> international politics?
I hope not.

> It just seems like everyone wants to take pot-shots at the guys on top.
That is an old grip and untrue. Look at Microsoft's record - you can not be
that blind.

> Even though these supposed empires do more good for everyone
> as a whole, than the voices who condemn them.
I disagree. MS has done nothing for the computer industry except stifle
creative design and thinking and instead replaced it with bad products and
little choice - they throw people a bit of money and those people then sing
MS praises. Computers *would* have wound up on every desktop in America
without Microsoft.

If I recall correctly MS doesn't even employ many people they just do I lot
of contract work.

happy holidays list,

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrocknaphobia Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 12:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: MS CF?


>C is a procedural language, C++ is an
>object-oriented language, and C# is an object-oriented garbage
>virtual machine based language.

I wouldn't call cf5 and cfMX the same due to CFCs and its object
oriented slant on its previous fundamentals. Not too mention they
compile to completely different code, but for the sake of argument we
say they are the same, based on syntax.

Will I be able to develop with the CF syntax in 20 years? I fear not.
Will I be able to develop with a C syntax of some sort in 20 years? Most

I know we're getting really far off topic, but I don't subscribe to
community. But I do have one question?

Exactly why is MS the evil empire again? Do you think there is a
correlation between how MS is viewed in capitalism and how the US is
viewed in international politics? It just seems like everyone wants to
take pot-shots at the guys on top. Even though these supposed empires do
more good for everyone as a whole, than the voices who condemn them.

But whatever is whatever. In the grand scheme of things we have no
control over the future, so why bicker about it?

Adam Wayne Lehman
Web Systems Developer
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Distance Education Division

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 2:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: MS CF?

> VB developers who were abandoned? I felt no more abandoned by .NET
> I did with CFMX. It's just a progression. It's an evolution. I mean
> to CFMX was a much bigger gap and the progression from VB to VB.NET.
> act as if VB and C++ don't exist. Not too mention C# is not a
> replacement for C++.
You may be one of the few VB developers who doesn't feel abandoned. And
BTW, MSFT is marketing C# as a replacement for C++.

> Further, are you spiting C# for giving you a language and CRLs to
> compile your code to nearly NEwhere? Hate to break it to you, but a
> of people have wanted a language like that for a long time.
I am not spiting anything or anyone. Just pointing out that MSFT doesn't
give developers security.

> You can mention DAO and RDO fairly. As well as I can mention Generator
> and Homesite. Which were products, NOT technologies. You can't blame
> for abandoning older technologies for better ones. However, I can
> about MM ditching a product its CTO said a year prior would not die.
> Only to be replaced with an inferior product. You know Ben Forta told
> point blank at the Dreamweaver gripe session that advanced cold fusion
> developers are the minority, and they have to support the majority to
> a successful company (hence WYSIWYG Dreamweaver bumps Homestie).
> Everyone is in it for the money. Don't spite one company and praise
> another when they share the same goals and faults.
I didn't spite MSFT and praise Macromedia.

> Bottom line is that 20 years ago I could have started as a C
> And I could still be one today. Maybe my syntax may change a bit over
> the years, C - C++ - C#, but at least I'll still have marketable
> 20 years later. That is security. I just have this feeling that
> macromedia will sell me down the river if it can make them a profit.
I highly doubt that above statement is true. C, C++, and C# are
FUNDAMENTALLY different languages. C is a procedural language, C++ is an
object-oriented language, and C# is an object-oriented garbage collected
virtual machine based language.


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