Matt Robertson wrote:
> I think that its time for CF developers to start looking at using Flash
> for components in sites.  Due to bandwidth and other considerations
> we're not ready for entirely Flash-driven sites for the general
> marketplace, but in my opinion developers should begin exploring - and
> responsibly using - the technology.  Macromedia can promote developer
> acceptance of Flash in giant steps by integrating Flash components into
> CF.  Forget about standards if you like... This is about money, control
> and and mindshare.  If Macromedia wants these things, this is the way to
> go.  Personally I also think this would be good for the sites we build.
> I've often been a vocal opponent of Flash as a design tool, but it has
> its place and - in the U.S. market at least - borders on ubiquity.  I'll
> vigorously grant that it was evil in 2000.  But I can't justify that
> argument as we approach 2003.

I don't really see Flash as a design tool (maybe that is because I think 
design is overrated anyway). It is an application building tool to me. 
As such, I think it is pretty useless to make just a form here and a 
form there in Flash. Either integrate totally, or don't use it.

> I have one client using Flash for *primary* navigation on five sites.  I
> screamed bloody murder about that but was overruled.  Six months of
> stats show they're doing extremely well, with almost zero turnaways due
> to lack of Flash (and thanks to careful hoarding of bandwidth).  It can
> be done so long as you point a gun (figuratively, of course :)) at the
> head of the designer.
> About those sites - one thing I absolutely can't stand is that I have to
> go to that designer for menu system changes (read: fixing his screwups).

For that sort of navigational items, it would be nice if there came some 
Flash components that understood navigation lists  (the nl element from 

And let me give a syntax suggestion:
<cfobject data="menu.swf" type="application/shockwave">
     <name>Character Options</name>
     <li href="stay.html">Stay</li>
       <li href="newjob.html">Job transfer</li>
       <li href="divorce.html">Divorce</li>
       <li href="fataldisease.html">Fatal disease</li>
     <li href="backburner.html">Back Burner</li>

If Flash is supported in the browser, it should use the template 
menu.swf and build the menu that is inside it. If Flash is not 
supported, the browser is able to render the menu. Automatic support for 
devices without a Flash player but with a browser guaranteed.

Overall, with the increasing separation between form and content, it 
would be nice to see Flash understand form automatically and just render 
the content.

XHTML 2 example copied from:


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