I like the idea, too.  Anyone want to add anything?  How many people  
use the cfform tag now, and how many more people would use it if it  
worked in the manner described below?  And how else would you want it  
to behave?

Would people be more interested in using the cftree tag if it generated  
Flash rather than Java?

Just trying to gather a sample.


On Monday, December 23, 2002, at 05:29 PM, Matt Robertson wrote:

> Christian wrote,
>> Do you mean something like using a cfform tag to generate Flash-based
>> forms?
> You know, the more I mull this over the more I really like the idea.
> Try this on for size:  A new suite of form input tags (cfflashinput?)  
> that has the parms it does now.  Add to it color and sizing options.   
> Then, if something needs to be compiled from a fla to an swf, give the  
> limited ability to do this in CF Server.  Whatever you do don't put  
> this limited-runtime 'compiler' into Dreamweaver as many don't use it,  
> and plus, if I'm using something like Terminal Server to do emergency  
> repairs I have to have access to the form generation tools.
> CF would store the swf's in a specified folder on the site's web path  
> so we don't get into the mapping issues that dog so many cfgrid users;  
> especially on shared servers.
> Obviously this isn't something that would happen tomorrow.  Just a  
> thought...
> --Matt Robertson--
> MSB Designs, Inc.
> http://mysecretbase.com
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