I am in the middle of developing a flash form that loads in data from
cfm pages that all dynamically queries an access or SQL db.

It's quite powerful and flash is wonderful since I use the 1 component
on 1 frame and if data is loaded - simply reuse the listbox  to
repopulate and post. 
If this was written into a CFTag it would be quite impressive. and even
faster.. although I am not sure how easy it would be to really do.

if your curious - i am just writing a flash/cf form here

Feel free to play around - it's the vehicle search on the top right of
the page. It is depenedant on Flash 6 player but with the flash load
objects var it is worth it.  Please keep in mind the site is in
development and it posts to the existing site - so that page above is a
demo page I am developing for client.

point of me chiming in is I COMPLETELY recommend playing around with it.
and I would take it over java applets any day.

Also massimo -- for flash components regarding that datagrid - you
should check out the flash-components.net - I saw another URL that had
AMAZING samples of that datagrid on steroids - pulling in info through
cfm pages, text files or xml files. I have to find it - and repost it. 
jay miller

Massimo, Tiziana e Federica wrote:

Do you mean something like using a cfform tag to generate Flash-based

forms?  What about other widgets that are currently generated using

Java applets?  Think it makes sense to convert them to Flash?


I would definitely love to see it.

BTW If you check the Flash DataGrid component inside DRK 1 you can see

something like that could replace <cfgrid>


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