Sure... I'm down. Let me know how I can help...

        -- jon

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Schreiber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 3:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Cold Fusion forum (OPEN SOURCE?)

I feel like I'm talking to empty air. ;p

Who's up for turning SMB into the phpBB (which I use to great
success on of CF forums?

> I hear you, Adrocknaphobia... there really isn't a "perfect" forum system
> out there. (I've been running online forums for several years, most
> for a large non-profit website...)
> That said, PhpBB comes pretty darn close... and it's because of the
> you describe. A large developer community contributing code, mods, new
> themes, and doing code peer review, etc... has created some excellent
> results. The result is a top-knotch OpenSource project with the extended
> feature set one might demand from such a project.
> So... here's my question... Why bother to compete? If all you're looking
> is a top knotch opensource forum, why not dive in and contribute to PhpBB?
> It's a pretty remarkable little project, and certainly worth checking out.
> Don't get me wrong -- I think CF could really use a high quality OS forum
> system. I know we'd use it if we could migrate from Fusetalk. I mean,
> fusetalk is cool and all, but I had to hack the heck out of it to get it
> do what we wanted.... and now any kind of upgrade path is somewhat dubious
> to say the least, given all the little changes we made. I'd contribute
> the code that I changed to fusetalk, I guess, but the motivation to
> somebody else's commercial products in a way that doesn't benefit me (or
> community as a whole) at all isn't all that strong.
> Obviously, with CF, it's not that hard to build a mediocre forum system.
> building a great one... well, that's another story altogether. If someone
> does dive into this, let us know -- I might be interested in helping out a
> bit as well if it's the right project.
>       -- jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrocknaphobia Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:10 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Cold Fusion forum (OPEN SOURCE?)
> Yeah, I think we have two different philosophies on open-source.
> I'd write open-source for the need of building the perfect application
> utilizing multiple developer perspectives. (To save from the headaches
> of rewriting everyone else's) Quite frankly, the 'perfect BBS app' has
> yet to be written. And I'm surprised.
> Adam Wayne Lehman
> Web Systems Developer
> Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
> Distance Education Division
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jon roig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:35 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Cold Fusion forum (OPEN SOURCE?)
> I've open sourced small things in CF, but as for Open Sourcing a big
> project... why on earth would I want to do that on a platform that is
> inherently not free?
> As much as I like CF and working in it -- I do make a living from it --
> I'd
> much rather do my open source programming in a language that presents no
> $$$
> barrier to adoption, a platform that anyone on earth can use, regardless
> of
> financial backing. (I created OpenRealty --
> in PHP, for instance, and it's
> being
> used by hundreds of sites...)
> I'm not one of those little Stallman groupies either... and that's also
> not
> to say there aren't little pockets of OS CF stuff developing. I mean,
> look
> at and how helpful that has been to the community.
>       -- jon
> -------------
> jon roig
> senior manager, online production
> epilepsy foundation
> phone: 215.850.0710
> site:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrocknaphobia Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 11:47 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Cold Fusion forum (OPEN SOURCE?)
> Chris,
> I've dealt with UBB, fuseTalk, ezBoard, and the old Allaire Forums. If I
> can say anything on the subject, it's that NO ONE has gotten it right
> (especially on the database end).
> Mike D said a year ago he was going to re-write the old Allaire Forums
> and eventually open source it. Which, stop me if I'm wrong, is what is
> being used on But I think I missed the part where he
> open sourced it. Last I checked in June at cfFun, he said he was still
> working on it.
> I for one would really like to work an open-source bbs project. I think
> there is a pretty high demand for a sturdy open source board, which can
> be customized at the will of the programmer. I've thrown around the
> open-source idea with a bunch of people but found our selves intimidated
> by the legal requirements.
> You know we have a really great community here, but I can't tell you of
> ANY cold fusion open-source projects. Is open source cold fusion a pipe
> dream? Would anyone else be interested in contributing?
> Adam Wayne Lehman
> Web Systems Developer
> Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
> Distance Education Division
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 10:58 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Cold Fusion forum
> Howdy Michael,
> Thursday, December 19, 2002, 7:54:13 PM, Michael T. Tangorre wrote:
> > I am attempting to to try some more advanced things with an idea I
> > have. I am going to be building an online forum to tinker with.. can
> > anyone point me to some database examples? The code side is what I am
> > going to be playing with but need a good architecture to use.. anyone
> > know of one I can download?
> I didn't see a reply to this yet, so I'll offer one to consider:
> It uses Fusebox, but you might be able to get something useful out of
> it.
> If you are wanting to explore how the database would be structured for a
> forums app, you might want to research hierarchical database design,
> parent-child relationships, or using recursion with your database.
> This page is an example of doing recursive joins for a forum:
> with a follow-up here:
> Another post about threaded discussion forums database design:
> with a follow-up here:
> Some good SQL sites to check out:
> Hope that helps you somewhat.
> Happy Holidays!
> --
> Chris Montgomery        monty @
> Airtight Web Services
> Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales
> 210-490-3249/888-745-7603

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