Crud, my email server is down, so hopefully this will post through the website! 
Anyway, here's what I tried sending this morning.

Ok, in my experience (cynical as well)...

I've never been turned down due to a lack of degree or lack or certifications - I've 
always been hired/promoted based on my skills and experience. I did, however, get a CF 
5 cert because when I raised my rates this fiscal year (I'm an independent 
contractor), I was told I didn't qualify for the rate unless I was certified in 
something (anything) or had a degree. So I ran out and got certified in the one thing 
I thought I could pass pretty easily (and I did). 

I think there is a small percentage of the population that technical stuff comes 
easily to - you know, people with that certain "knack" who just get it when stuff 
comes their way and can chunk through anything whether they've seen it before or not 
(much of this list probably falls into that category). There is no way to screen that 
when hiring based on a resume, degree, or list of certifications someone has. I know, 
I've hired several complete duds who looked great on paper. If you've got that knack, 
employers will recognize that (after you're hired, of course) and keep/promote you.

(That said, I am working on my MIS degree right now mostly for fun rather than any 
career goals - I'm perfectly happy with my career.) 

My husband also does not have a degree and was one test shy of a CNE years ago - he 
has no other certifications. He has never lacked for good contracts either, owns our 
consulting firm, and is highly respected in the technical field.

A newbie - no weight - they can be groomed, particularly if they have aforesaid knack 
(I once had a great 21 year old tech under me - only downside was he was a bit flaky 
due to age and partying)

The other two I would hire based on experience and references.



Subject: certification experiences/plans?
From: "Rob Rohan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 17:17:04 -0800
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