Another thing is that it's kind of annoying is that I have to manually
start Jrun ... I know, I know, shellscript, but that's Greek a lot of
Unix/OSX newbies. Starting Jrun/CFMX by default on bootup would be nice.
Or at least package a shellscript and instructions on how to set it up.

Joshua Miller
Head Programmer / IT Manager
Garrison Enterprises Inc.
(704) 569-9044 ext. 254
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 6:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: BlueDragon J2EE on OSX - Working !!!

On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 11:45 PM, Sean A Corfield wrote:

> On Tuesday, Jan 7, 2003, at 20:24 US/Pacific, Joshua Miller wrote:
>> One thing I will offer as a suggestion is to dumb-down the
>> installation
>> proceedure for CFMXJ2EE on OSX. A lot of OSX users are still getting
>> comfortable with the Terminal and it's still scary for a lot of
>> developers who don't have a lot of experience with server
>> and maintenance. Rather than running terminal sessions and editing
>> config files, have an option for "basic install" that does all these
>> things for you.
> Could you give some specific examples about what needs to be improved 
> here?
> I agree that being given a .jar file is not quite as user-friendly as 
> some people might expect but it really isn't that bad:
>       java -jar coldfusion-j2ee-java.jar
> (run through the GUI installer which dumps a CFMXJ2ee folder 
> somewhere)

I would at least change the default folder (directory).  Currently, the

CFMF installer uses:


which is hidden on Jaguar (Jag-wire, as pronounced by Steve)

> In JMC (JRun Management Console), Create New Server (e.g., cfmx).
> Then:
>       cd /Applications/JRun4/servers/cfmx
        mkdir cfusion
          mkdir CFIDE
          cd CFIDE
          jar xvf <path to>/CFMXJ2ee/rds.war
          cd ../cfusion
>       jar xvf <path/to>/CFMXJ2ee/cfusion.war

Then there is the step (step 9) configuring graphics support -- which I

have found to be unnecessary, and can be ignored.

> Are you suggesting make all of this go away? Doing the manual install 
> is pretty flexible and that's what many Unix folks would expect...

I agree with this for experienced Unix users. This is especially true  
if you deploy multiple server instances and/or multiple cfmx contexts  
under a server instance.

But I think some things that could be done to make it simpler and more  
Mac like (in the next update).  Have the default option (procdure):

    1) Deploy from a single .ear file rather than 2 .war files
    2) Hot deploy from the JRun JMC (maybe using the compressed,  
downloaded CFMX file as a source -- avoid the decompress and war/ear  
decision, altogether.
    3) Include instructions on how to create a connector to Apache in  
the install procedure.

Finally, make as much of the install procedure as possible automatic  
for first time users by providing a shell script and/or  
double-clickabble program with all the defaults set and the proper  
actions taken to install/deplow a single server with a single cfmx  
context and a single CFIDE context -- a "quick-start" option.

I especially like the way that JRun installs:

     Automatic Decompress
     Double-Click Installer
     Default path = /Applications/JRun4

(This coming from the guy who built the "Ugly Port" procedure)

But, like Joshua and others have said, I am happy with what MM has  
provided) -- It is no more difficult than installing/deploying other  


> Sean A Corfield -- Director, Architecture
> Web Technology Group -- Macromedia, Inc.
> tel: (415) 252-2287 -- cell: (415) 717-8473
> aim/iChat: seancorfield --
> An Architect's View --
> ColdFusion MX and JRun 4 now available for Mac OS X! 

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