try this (replacing the table/field names of course):

select top 5 bid
from bid_table
order by bid_desc

as far as hiding all but the 5th bid, it would probably be easiest to
just do a <cfif bid_query.currentrow neq 5> type thing.



Jeff Fongemie wrote:
> I'm setting up a real simple auction application. Super simple. People
> submit bids via a form, then the top 5 bids are displayed on a page. The
> catch is, I only want the 5th highest bid to show the actual bid.
> So, I can order the query by bid descending and for output bids 1 through 5
> will give the bidders name, but I need to have the bid amounts hidden for
> the top 4 bids, and show the 5th.
> To display only the top 5 bids, I'm using maxrows =5 in my output. Is there
> a way to control all this stuff with the SQL, or do I have a basic query,
> order by bid desc. and control the results through output?
> With the output method, I can't seem to be able to get the results to
> populate the 5th bid amt., but not the first 4.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Fongemie
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