Okay here goes,

I have a CFTREE with a list of users.
Double clicking on a user passes the user's ID into a page as
This value along with some others are put into a form and the page is
submitted automatically
using <BODY onLoad="submit()">
This then opens an ISAPI DLL I wrote in Delphi to retrieve users rosters
from a strange Btrieve Database we have here.
I know Btrieve has ODBC drivers ut this DB contains all sorts of packed
record structures (a real nightmare to get data from).
The reason I create a form and submit it to the DLL is because I don't want
users to see their ID being passed into the DLL as part of the URL. It
wouldn't take a genius to think "Hmm, what would happen if I changed
CFTREEITEMKEY to another value".
The DLL is therfore programmed to only take in FORM values.

Now I've broken the "Back" button because if someone clicks back while on
the DLL page the go on to the page which submits as soon as it loads.

However if I could get HTTP_REFERER I could do the following 

<Cfif FindNocase("finduserby",#HTTP.HTTP_REFERER#) NEQ 0>
<body Class="BODY" onLoad="self.webform.submit()" > 
<FORM METHOD="POST" name="webform" Action="../DLLs/MonthlyRoster.dll/Show">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="#CFTREEITEMKEY#">
<input type="hidden" name="STYLENAME" value="aims.css">
<input type="hidden" name="debug" value="OFF">
<body onload="history.go(-1)" >

in other words, I can use HTTP_REFERER to figure out what page I came from
and where to go to.
so if I come from the page with the CFTREE, then I submit the page on to the
page with the DLL.
Otherwise I must have come BACK from the DLL, therefor I'll trigger
"history.go(-1)" and automatically go back to the CFTREE page.

Hope you follow all this, now any suggestions?

Michael O'Reilly


-----Original Message-----
From: David Shadovitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 July 2000 06:21
Subject: Re: REPOST: "Submitting" a page with a <cftree>

It didn't slip by, it's just not clear what you want.  Double-clicking a
CFTREEITEM isn't supposed to submit the form.  The form should have a
submit button.  If you want some action to occur without submitting the
form, you can set the CFTREEITEM's HREF attribute.
If double-clicking did in fact submit the form, HTTP_REFERER would be the
page containing the CFTREE.  You know what this page is, so why not use
that name rather than HTTP_REFERER?

On Thu, 6 Jul 2000 17:18:22 +0100 Michael O Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I'm re-posting this as it seem's to have slipped by everyone.
> I've been struggling with a problem for some time now and have 
> figured out a
> way of solving it using HTTP_REFERER.
> However this CGI var is only sent when a page is "Submitted".
> Even though a CFTree must be within a CFForm, double-clicking on a
> CFTreeItem doesn't seem to cause the page to be submitted.
> Has anyone noticed/found a way round this?
> Regards
> Michael O'Reilly
> TransAer
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