> is anyone else out there, using experthost.com
> to host your sites, on one of their cfmx servers
> and noticed that sometimes when you ftp a file over
> that when you refresh in your browser, you wont
> see the new file, and sometimes, you can delete the file
> refresh, and it still shows the old cached version?
> i emailed them and they told me that it was a cfmx bug, 
> and that they werent sure of a fix?

If this is what I think it is, it's a known issue that may occur regardless
of your host.

CFMX compiles your .cfm files to Java class files. When you change the .cfm
file, CFMX compares the timestamp of the .cfm to the timestamp of the class,
and recompiles if the .cfm has a newer timestamp. However, apparently there
are some situations where that doesn't work correctly. The "fix" in this
case is to delete the compiled class, which would be in /WEB-INF/cfclasses.
Unfortunately, you probably don't have access to that directory.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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