Dave Watts wrote:
> CFMX compiles your .cfm files to Java class files. When you change the .cfm
> file, CFMX compares the timestamp of the .cfm to the timestamp of the class,
> and recompiles if the .cfm has a newer timestamp. However, apparently there
> are some situations where that doesn't work correctly.

Like if there is no newer file because it was renamed or deleted.

> The "fix" in this
> case is to delete the compiled class, which would be in /WEB-INF/cfclasses.
> Unfortunately, you probably don't have access to that directory.

Since the compiled .class files contain the original template location 
as a string (at about byte 100) it should be do-able for a webhost to 
provide an interface from which people can delete these classes. And I 
presume there must be some hook into the runtimeservice that allows you 
to flush whatever is cached in memory.

But all of these are just workarounds, it really is up to MM to fix it:


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