Dina Hess wrote:
>><cfset value = "String">
>><cfquery ..>
>>INSERT INTO table (field)
>>VALUES (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#value#">>
>>Make the value anything you want, quotes, backslashes etc., it will work.
> I did...and it doesn't. But I think I know why now.

It doesn't? Even if you just use value="#value#" without any function calls?

>>And if you leave the trim() out it will be abc's again. trim() should
>>not influence the number of quotes, only the numer of spaces at the
>>beginning and end of the string.
> I agree that Trim() should not influence a single quote. Nor should
> HTMLEditFormat(). But both do, even without CFQUERYPARAM.
> Why?



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